These accounts are the stories of three college students. They display the hearts of dear friends who desire to share life with one another and who yearn to follow Christ with all that they have.

Please, join us in our quest; a quest to find God on a day-to-day basis, not solely in crises or showers of blessings, but in daily and forevermore.

December 26, 2011


Though it is Christmas, the day that most celebrate the birth of Christ, a different subject has been brewing in my mind...

No, it isn't gifts Nor delicious, homemade food. Definitely NOT shopping.
(Conway Commons is a scary territory during this time of the year.)

The word: reconciliation.

Over the course of a year, I've witnessed a family that I love dearly fall to pieces right before my eyes.

Kids have been torn, back-and-forth, from one parent to the other, every weekend. Hurtful words have been said...things that can't easily be taken back...phrases that no one ever wants to hear.

Heartache has taken its toll on mom, dad and all of seven kids.

Yet, in the same neighborhood that devestation has setteled, reconciliation has moved next door.

The cross above was given to me today by the father of said family. He told me that himself and one of his sons had spent almost two months making them for friends and family.

"Money has been scare, but we still wanted to show people our love for them," said he.

Though the handmade cross is a beautiful token of love, more important to me was the smile and hug that accompanied it. This man literally darted across our small, Baptist sanctuary (darting didn't take long) and greeted me with a huge hug and an even larger smile.

If smiles could talk, his face-encompanying one would have said thank you.

You see, he is back in church. He is loving his children and is doing his best to provide for them.
More importantly, he has finally given his life to God and is actually concerned about spiritual matters.

This is the man who left my other mother and "sister" almost a year ago. However, despite the divorce, he is making the next-best effort to do right by them.

Reconciliation is occuring...

A few days ago, a girl, Hayley, entered the sub-shop. She and I went to the same high school. This happens quite often; I see people that I know all of the time.

However, the sight of her was different. After recognizing who she was, the pain set in. A deep, sharp pain that penetrated straight to my heart.

A pain that I hadn't felt in two years.

You see, Hayley was good friends with a former best friend of mine, Julie. Julie and I had a beautiful friendship for four years. When our friendship ended swiflty, a month before I left for college, it hurt. Badly. For a very long time.

Tonight, I texted Julie for the first time in about a year simply saying Merry Christmas and hoping that all was well with her.
To my surprise, she responded. In fact, we carried on a conversation like civil people and updated one another about our lives. Though I know that we will never be "real" friends again, the blessing of talking with her was nice. I forgave her long ago and I feel that she knows that now, if she never did before.


My small girls and I have been reading through the book of Luke for the past two months. I don't find it coincidence that on Christmas, rather than being in Chapters 1 & 2, the forecoming and birth of Christ, we were in 23 & 24, the death and resurrection of Christ.

If Christ had not been born...

then He could not have died.

Reconciliation would not be possible.

Not between God and man.
Not between man and fellow man.

Though it was undeserved, God chose reconciliation.

He let mercy triump judgement....

                                                             (Photo courtesy of Becke Stuart)

...a lesson for all of His children to take to heart.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey, I tried to originally post the comment from a abandoned Google blog I have (CrapYouShouldLookAt) but I realized you wouldn't recognize it.

    Anyways, I randomly found this in my feed (your blog) on Facebook while creepin', and ventured to read it. I loved reading your posts, and all of your thoughts, but I love blogging anyways :P

    It also put a smile on my face tonight and helped me have positive thoughts...have been having a rough night.

    Anyways, toodles! And hope you continue blogging :D
